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Reminder: the next gin subscription shipping date will be the 23rd of the month and you must have subscribed by the 15th (otherwise you will roll on to the next month).

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Out of complexity, find simplicity.

Our Mission to You

GIN ME exists to explore the worlds best gins in the simplest and most affordable way.

OK, we’re no Einstein, but does it all have to be so complicated?

Here at GIN ME we won’t be sending you a 50 page article on the intricacies of botanicals, or a sample of chicken salt popcorn to garnish your GnT. Our mission is simple, to get the world’s greatest gins through as many of our nation's letterboxes as possible.

Founded by the team that brought you Whisky Me, our Club for the Curious is growing and we’re jumping on the gin train. Much like Whisky Me, there'll be no gatekeeping, no stuffiness, no inaccessibility, just a growing snobbery-free community of fellow explorers in the new world of gin.

Every month we’ll send our members 100ml of the finest gin around, alongside tasting notes, cocktail recipes and live tastings with distilleries and bartenders. None of the faff, just the stuff you actually need.

Welcome to a fresh gin subscription. And by fresh we mean better. And by better we mean, you won’t find it cheaper.

Rewards for
the long haul

As well as exclusive member access to gin offers across the UK we also run our own Gin Me rewards programme. Every time we hit a milestone number of subscribers, we reward all our current members with something special – like GIN ME merch and free drams!

So as we hit more and more letterboxes each month and GIN ME grows, you’ll reap the rewards with some exclusive stuff dropping through yours.



Gin Me exclusive

At 10,000 members we will be sending you an exclusive pouch of Gin Me gin. We will be inviting members to suggest botanical blends and create a gin just for you.



A bespoke Gin Me cocktail shaker

At 8,000 members, we will be sending you a branded Gin Me cocktail shaker.



Gin art

When we hit 4,000 members we will send everyone a free gin inspired bit of art to decorate your walls.



Cocktails on us

We will pre batch and send you a 100ml pouch of a mighty fine gin cocktail. Free alongside your normal monthly delivery.



Cocktail Masterclass

When we hit 500 members we will host a free online cocktail masterclass. Understand more about how to mix the worlds most popular gin cocktails.

Our team of ginthusiasts...

And not forgetting our amazing Club for the Curious members

Join today